Tuesday, November 17, 2009

5:01 PM: Duke 101, Charlotte 59 (FINAL)

Duke throwing the whitewash out there for the final three minutes or so. You just know the Cameron Crazies are a LOT more comfortable rooting for this team. Not so dark and scary.

And, as we finally leave the Duke game, I want to reprint one of Jerry's comments here on the main page. Nice, concise Duke hate.

While Aaron makes a good point with the flopping thing, it's the east coast prep school date rapey frat boy thing that pisses us all off. So if you like kids who paid more for high school than I did for law school and have a good Roofie hookup by all means root for Duke.

It took me 500 words to explain why flopping upsets me so much. It took Jerry two sentences to explain the much larger socio-economic reasons for the hate. Well said.

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